Sunday, May 25, 2008
Roskilde Festival Preview 1
It's that time of year. It's close to Roskilde Festival time, which means it's time for a preview post! Yeah - big whoop! After last years sad exhibition of rain and mud, I'm hoping we can get some decent weather above all. The program this year isn't overwhelming, but it's ok. Check it out here. A quick run through of my highlights:
  • Alphabeat
  • Battles
  • Solomon Burke
  • Cadence Weapon
  • DSL
  • Duffy
  • Efterklang
  • Goldfrapp
  • Gossip
  • Grinderman
  • Hot Chip (My pick for best concert along with Jay-Z)
  • Jay-Z
  • Lykke-Li
  • Magnetic Man feat. Skream & Benga
  • M.I.A.
  • Radiohead
  • The Raveonettes
  • Shackleton
  • The Streets
  • Neil Young
So basically we're looking at a rather re-used done before program, but it's ok. I get to see Nick Cave, Young and the big J in one week, so I'm not really complaining. A few techno artists would have been nice though - not one German techno guy is a mistake. As Mads noted: "Seriously, they would play for a pair of Levis and the ticket!". It gets even worse if you look at the rather amazing Distortion program.

Expect a some music preview soon!


posted by Niall Quinn @ 2:11 PM   4 comments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
And the points from the Norwegian jury?
I wanna go to Norway and see if I can find the cave of pop. It should be up there somewhere, in there I'll find the small glowy pop mist from which Annie was born! A new album called Don't Stop is in the making, there's going to be Girls Aloud in there and Alex Kapranos also plays along. Pop-bonanza coming up!

Annie - I know your girlfriend hates me (Get Shakes Remix)

I don't know why I like this video, it's pretty horrible, but still I'm a bit entranced.

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posted by Niall Quinn @ 12:07 PM   0 comments

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Name: Niall Quinn
Home: Dublin, Denmark
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