Just back from the first of the two The Knife concerts in Copenhagen, at Vega! Warmup was Janine Rostron a.k.a. Planningtorock - an easy choice, considering the video installation heavy main act. Planningtorock didn't really rock my world, seriously avant-garde and not really in my taste. A friend mind commented that this was probably something that a lot of people would say they liked, since the pretentious factor was a bit of the scale. On the other hand it did do the wonderful job of making The Knife look good - something which really wasn't needed.
This concert is without a doubt the most visually stunning thing I've ever been to. Siblings Dreier, were placed between to sheets of some weird semi-transparent material, which allowed for videos to be projected on them. I'm finding it hard to do an adequate description of how this worked - Superlatives: Beautiful, stunning, amazing, overwhelming and funny. Here's a couple of pictures:
Musically it was just as great, people were really crawing for this concert - sold out in 15 minuttes - and it showed! People were ecstatic and aplauded even the tinniest blip og klick produced on stage, or behind them for that matter - The concert was in surround sound?! The absoluty only thing I can complain about was the lenght. About an hour which isn't long, but on the other hand I really like this feeling rather than the bored feeling you get after 2½ hours of any concert. By far the best concert this year though!
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That sounds f**king amazing. Wish I'd been there.