Rock, in some form, is taking back the clubs - and here I'm not just referring to the punk funk of The Rapture, DFA etc. The long story: Rock as a mainstream music genre started somewhere in the clubs, think way back to 50's era Beatles, but slowly and steadily grew to indoor arenas, outdoor parks, stadiums, etc. until it finally imploded in a massive ball of self masturbatory chords and scales in the late 70's early 80's (Of course it bred new things like punk and merged with disco, but seriously it died!). This of course was no bad thing, rock had gotten to pompous for it's own good, and for anyone to care. Instead, from within the clubs, new danceable tunes emerged with via disco, onto electronic music - This, in its mainstream form, has then gone on to take the route of it's grand parent on the mothers side, namely rock, and become to big for it's own good (Again a lot of new sub genres have emerged - electro(which is probably the next contender for to big for its own good), techno (which dodged the bullet in the late 90's), house (which to a certain extent got it's whiplash along with rucola salat a couple of years ago)). Think circa 2000's Basement Jaxx and Fatboy Slim, DJ'ing at the huge orange stage at Roskilde... Seriously, at the time it might have sounded like a good idea, but now it´s blatantly obvious that we are right back at masturbating arena style again (Note masturbation belongs in clubs and at home - If you are not Bruce Springsteen that is!). Finally we are back here in the late 00's where rock is trying to reinvent itself as a club genre - whether it will succeed is a matter of letting time do the telling, but for now Klaxons are doing good headway! In other words I thoroughly enjoyed the concert.
Clearly the above is crap, concived in a drunk state of mind, but there you go - That´s
real life bitting your behind! Download an interview with them
Next along the this new track is
CSS tonight at
Loppen, thus we will have a double CSS-review bonanza sometime this weekend. Berlin and Copenhagen combined! WHOAH!
Until then, a couple of tracks to keep your feet warm, and your heart pounding like the bass:
The warm feets is courtesy of
Klanguage performing under the influence of
Klanguage - Priceless Things (Tacteel Remix)Buy it
hereThe heart is send pounding by
Hypnolove, saucing us up with a piece of sexy French toast:
Hypnolove - MadamoiselleBuy it